Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kids Can Make You Feel So Welcome

Evening, March 1, 2012, Rwanda Time 
"Hello.  You are welcome!"
There is just nothing like a group of kids running alongside the vehicle as you pull into a village or community.  This morning outside Ruhengeri, Rwanda, this group of children eagerly greeted me as I arrived to visit the church where seven children are sponsored.  "Hello."  "You are welcome."  Familiar echoes that always make me reach for the camera so that I can later recall the moment. 

When we arrived at the church, a group of church members were working hard to build an outside restroom.  Men stacked the homemade clay blocks while women carried handsful of mud to use as mortar.  All the while we were talking to these faithful workers, the children were smiling, tugging, giggling, and laughing.  I imagine some of their giggles were at this white, goateed stranger in their midst.  No matter, it was great fun.
The program here in Rwanda is doing great.  I spent the day with the COP director, Rev. Charles Nsengiyumva, and I am glad I did.  He and his committee have been working so hard to not only meet the needs of these desperate children, but also to improve and develop their program beyond the basics.

A great first day.  Enjoy the photos, and thanks for checking in.

Dr. Paul Maxfield
Executive Director

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