Friday, October 29, 2010

Heart-Rending First Visits for Sponsors

Nine-year old Caren recognized Brenda in an instant when we pulled up to the Church of God community room in Valenzuela in metro Manila.  The children filled the room, not only with their presence but with a joyful spirit.  They held small flags with each of our names on them.  When we stepped out of the van, they chanted their greeting.  What a reception!

Brenda Berry, a pastor from Owensboro, Kentucky, had waited with great anticipation for this moment.  Their eyes locked and it was all over for Brenda.  As soon as the children sang a few songs for us, Brenda, Caren and Caren's mother, traveled to Caren's home with Marlene Viray, staff member of Grace Family Helper Project (Children of Promise).  Nothing could have prepared Brenda for what came next.

Immediately upon arriving in the community, your eyes, ears and nose were assaulted with urban poverty that took your breath away.  Caren lived in an area that floods every day at high tide.  The water that floods the neighborhood wasn't nice clean clorinated water.  It was filthy and it smelled unpleasant.  Each step Brenda took on the path to Caren's house confirmed her worst nightmares.  Her sponsored child had to carefully walk over several boards, laying end-to-end, that were suspended over murky waters below.  Her house was hidden behind another house (house on the right), the walk to her home was even more treacherous than we thought at first glance.

From another walkway we could see Caren's house.  Her siblings and cousins peeked out to see if we were still there.  A little while later, Brenda emerged from her visit.  We had no sooner gotten into the church van than Brenda began to sob.  She had confronted the reality of poverty but this time she had left a part of her heart with Caren and her family.  Later Brenda committed two things:  she would sponsor Caren's brother and she and her husband, Jeff, would be coming back together.

For Bob Weeks, his encounter with two of his and his wife Wendy's sponsored children transformed him in a way he did not expect.  He and Wendy sponsor several children around the world and he has even visited some in Uganda.  Nothing, though, prepared him for what happened in The Philippines.  His first home visit was to meet Mary Angelique.  Wendy had sent him with gifts for the entire family which was good especially since Mary Angelique had a twin sister, Mary Angeline.  As they visited with Mary Angelique reading a letter to him aloud, it was all he could do to "hold it together".  When he entered the van, he sat quietly...unable to speak.  Overwhelmed, the tears began to flow.  He never expected to feel what he was feeling...he felt like a father.  This was a new feeling for him, having never been a father.

Later in the day Bob met another child that he and Wendy sponsor, Wanda.  Wanda and her older sister Wella live with their mother who works very hard for them.  (Another sponsor who had visited The Philippines after typhoon Ondoy last year toured Wanda and Wella's "house".  This sponsor gave money for Wanda's family to have "their home" reconstructed into a safer and sturdy home.)  It was during his visit with Wanda that she called him "Dad" and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  His father's heart swelled in him once more.  He wasn't sure how he would make it.  Later, Bob told us that "his heart was for The Philippines."

Mary Angelique, her twin sister and Wanda

That evening Rev. Eddie Viray of the Manugit Church of God assisted in a celebration service for Grace Family Helper Project and the Children of Promise team who would leave the next day.  We were all asked to share from our hearts.  When Bob's turn came, he was able to verbalize his gratitude for the experiences he had with his sponsor children.  At the end of the service, he gave the closing prayer but not before his sponsored children came up on stage with him.

Kathy Knox was so excited to see her sponsored child, Leonito.  He and his parents had made the long trip to the Grace Family Helper Project just to see her.  They took the train and then a Jeepney (an elongated Jeep carrying up to 20 or so people) to reach the office.  Then they waited for us to return from  the village.  Leonito was very quite and reservedwhen we arrived but Kathy was excited.

As Kathy began giving him some gifts she had brought, it was had to tell what was going through his mind.  But the faces of his parents showed it all.  They were loving and gracious people, who would do anything for their child.  The expressed their great love for Kathy and what the Grace Family Helper Project was doing for Leonito. 

And then the moment came, Leonito lit up like a Christmas tree when he started to play with the Etch-a-Sketch.  Those of us who enjoyed playing with the Etch-a-Sketch as a child could understand his joy right away.  It was fun for all of us to see Leonito be taken by such a simple gift. 
As a sponsor, you sometimes wonder what effect you may be having on the life a child who you may never meet.  But this sponsor trip confirms in my heart that even a letter or card sent occasionally may have a profound effect, one you may not realize until you meet your sponsored child in heaven.  Afterall, seeing our children come to a saving knowledge of Christ is our most desired outcome.  Only that brings true freedom from the chains that bind our children in poverty.  It really takes such a small effort on our part to change the life of a child.  I just wish everyone in the Church of God especially would catch a vision of what could be accomplished in this world if we are open to it.  But that is God's work.  Our's is to tell the stories.

We left The Philippines on Thursday morning (U.S.'s Thursday evening).  We will bring you our next installment from Thailand. - Linda Mason

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Reality of Numbers on this Journey

Journeys often take unexpected turns.  Our journey was interrupted when we boarded our plane in Toyko for Manila last Thursday.  We had traveled 16 hours by plane, plus our layover times and drives to the airport initially.  We boarded our plane in Toyko which would take us on our final 5 hour journey to the Philippines.

We pulled away from the jetway and stopped.  Mechanical problems had us stopped in our tracks.  We sat on our plane for 4 1/2 hours before Delta cancelled our flight.  That was disappointing but what came next surprised even us.  The Narita airport, an international airport, closed every evening around 10 pm...that meant we were spending the night at the aiport (we couldn't leave the premises) with 800 others from our plane and another 800 from another plane that was grounded.  Suffice it to say that waiting for our new plane to take off didn't happen until 1:00 pm the next day.  We arrived in the Philippines exactly 48 hours after we left the States!

Five...that is the number of our Philippine friends who greeted us after they had waited about 4 hours at the Philippine airport!

Four...that is the number of hours we traveled by car to Nueva Ecjia.  Wow, was it worth it!  We visited 3 churches in 2 days, interviewing 168 children.  What a privilege and a blessing it was to be with them.  The Church of God has really grown in Nueva Ecjia!  The service at Umuguam Church of God was high energy with lots of singing and praising God.  We even took up 3 offerings!  Our own Pastor Brenda Berry preached the morning service, sharing from her heart how good God is to us even in the face of tragedy.  We enjoyed a great meal of Philippine food.

Three...that is the number of sponsors who are traveling with me.  Two of them have never been to the Philippines.  Even in the rural country side, the poverty our COP families live in can be disturbing to see.  The fact that the children always appear to be happy makes witnessing this poverty bearable.

Eighty-five and 99...that is the temperature and the humidity level.  I confess that I have not dealt with this type of heat in quite some time.  Each day we have dragged back to our hotels.  Even though we have been tired, our satisfaction is 100%.  How can you top that? 

One thousand children sponsored...that is the dream of Ofelia "Fely" Viray, director of Grace Family Helper Project (COP in the Philippines).  My prayer is that we will have churches in the Church of God movement who will champion the COP efforts in the Philippines.  We currently have over 100 children from the Philippines waiting to be sponsored.  Just think, you only have to give up 5 McDonald's quarter pounder meals each month to give a child hope of a future where his or her life is transformed and they, in turn, can change their world.  Already some of the sponsored children have graduated from the program and have earned scholarships to college.  They are making a difference in their home churches and reaching out to children coming from the same circumstances they did.

Our journey continues tomorrow.  Likely this will happen in the midst of a tropical storm that is making its way here.  No problem.  The resilient Philippine children and staff of Grace Family Helper Project are devoted to one another.  What a pleasure it is to work with such incredible servants of God!  Our time together is filled with laughter and joy.  Their commitment to meeting the needs of the children is amazing.  Their love is deep.  Their compassion is inspiring.

Hundreds...that is the number of people it takes to assist the sponsored children in the Philippines.  Pastors, committee volunteers, the national coordinators of COP, every parent or guardian, our great sponsors, and the staff in Anderson make this ministry possible.  I hope you will continue to follow our journey.  Pray for God's blessing on this troup of people.  We hope to post pictures tomorrow.  Wait 'til you see the beautiful faces of our kids. - Linda Mason

Monday, October 18, 2010

Typhoon Megi Slams The Philippines as Team Prepares to Fly Out

Once again, the Philippines are battling the deafening power of a super typhoon - category 5, as high as you can get.  While the U.S. team makes final preparations for our site visit with the children, Dr. Ofelia Viray or "Fely" emailed to inform us of their situation.  We are praying for a return to "normal" for our friends in the Philippines.  Just last year, this same area was hit hard after not one but four storms.

Please join us in praying for the Church of God in the Philippines as Rev. Eddie Viray, chair of the general assembly in the Philippines, and other pastors reach out to the believers in this area - especially all the sponsored children in Grace Family Helper Project (Children of Promise).  Also pray for northern Thailand as they are experiencing flash flooding.  We have not yet heard from anyone there.  We'll keep you posted as Linda Mason and Kathy Knox plan to travel on to Thailand and Nepal following the Philippines visit.  Thanks for your prayers.  - Linda Mason

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Six Days Until Asian Safari Lift Off

Safari.  Sounds exotic, doesn't it?  You may even think that "safari" only applies to Africa and a search for the wild, beastly animals that lumber and dash over the Serengeti.  A safari is "a journey or hunting expedition."  In six days we will set off on a journey to The Philippines, Thailand and Nepal; it will take us 19 hours and 3 minutes to fly there as we cross the international date line.  Our journey will be a journey of the heart, and our expedition will take us into cities like Manila, Bangkok and Kathmandu to meet our sponsored children.

How do you prepare for a safari like this?  You can read about the lands and the people, and we do that.  You can pray for God to give you an open mind and heart, and we are doing that.  One of the most important ways to prepare for such a journey is to go with an attitude of service.  There will always be people, things and events that delight and surprise you.  There is no way to prepare for that.  That is something you take in and enjoy.

Why don't you "pack your bags" and visit our blog from time to time?  Why don't you join our safari?  We'll share the Children of Promise sponsorship experience with you.  Who knows?  You may one day board the plane and journey with us to meet your own sponsored child.

The team - Brenda Berry (Kentucky), Kathy Knox (Indiana), Bob Weeks (Wisconsin), and Linda Mason (COP Associate Director/Indiana) - will meet in Minneapolis before bounding off to Toyko and then Manila.  We can't wait to take you there! - Linda Mason