Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 21st - Bangladesh

October 21, 2012
The trip back to Dhaka yesterday was another traffic battle all the way.  There is just no way of describing the experience of participating in driving as a competitive sport on a two-lane road with way more vehicles than there is space, at speeds that defy understanding.  God is so gracious.  He not only protected us, but he provided us with a very skilled driver who took our safety very seriously.

Another 10 hours on the road found us back in the capital of Dhaka.  We just had time to check into a Christian guest house and walk a few blocks to the Dhaka Church of God for an evening with the congregation, celebrating the launching of the sponsorship program in Bangladesh.

It was a significant and enjoyable evening together.  The church leaders from across the country were present for this occasion.  The Church of God in Bangladesh is very excited and grateful for the opening of the program.  The need is great, and they are committed to working with COP to help as many children as possible.  The evening was a great launch for the program, even though the electricity went out during dinner and cell phones and a few flashlights had to provide dinner lighting.  J
I had the privilege of sharing with them about the program and from the Word of God.  We agreed together that the Bangladesh program would focus on those children whose need was greatest and who had the least opportunity for help from any other sources.

We spent the last day in Bangladesh seeing some of the city and spending time with Shikha and Tapan, their two children, and several members of the committee.

I’m happy to report that several more children have been sponsored since the trip began, including two by people in Bangladesh.  I was humbled by the sacrifice of these two families, wanting sincerely to help the children in their country, and willing to do so through Children of Promise.  It will be a sacrifice indeed.  But, then, that’s so indicative of our sponsors everywhere – you sacrifice willingly so that children can eat, go to school, be healthy, and be nurtured spiritually. 

If you would like to join the growing number of people helping children in Bangladesh, contact our office today at 800-848-2464 (ext. 2206 – Vicky Creamer), or request a child on our website at  We will be happy – no EXCITED – to help you help a child.  

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