Monday, March 5, 2012

Rwanda Looks to the Future

March 4, 2012

As I rode for the last time through the countryside and small towns from Ruhengeri to Kigali, Rwanda this morning, I was struck by several realizations about the progress this country is making despite the lingering challenges.

I encountered a prevailing spirit of anticipation for the future, a positive outlook toward what will develop.  I noticed this in the attitudes of the people I talked with both in the church and in the community.  There seems to be a focus on the future rather than a living in the past, at least among those I came in contact with.

There seems to be pride in the process of rebuilding after the atrocities of the 1994 genocide.  While they could be remaining in the dregs and shame of what happened among themselves just less than two decades ago, the people seem to be committed to building a better Rwanda.  They speak of their country with pride, its accomplishments, and its people.  This is significant when you consider what their people did to each other and their country in 1994.

I looked and looked, but I did not see one piece of litter anywhere!  The country's roads, parks, and cities are clean and manicured.  Of course, there is prevailing poverty, but it does not have the same look as in many other developing countries.  There is pride in the cleanliness of Rwanda these days.  Rwanda could certainy serve as a model for other developing countries in this area.

Add to these a prevailing spirit of determination and perservance and you have some important ingredients in the recipe for success.  Rwanda has a long ways to go, but they are out in front of many toerh developing countries in some significant ways.

My humble view.

Thanks for joining me today.  I am at the Kigali airport awaiting my flight.  See you later in Tanzania.

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