Showing Bo the photos of the class, his sponsors. |
Today I write again as a sponsor. My wife and I are part of a Sunday School class of very mature senior citizens. (We're not senior citizens, but we just love the people so we attend the class. They call us the "kids." Maybe that's why we keep going back!) Our class has sponsored a boy named Malumbo for about five years. Since the class members have a hard time pronouncing Malumbo, they have nicknamed him "Bo." Today was the day I was going to meet "Bo." He arrived at the church compound, and I talked with him, videoing my conversation with him so that the class members could enjoy it later. He even had a special message directly for them.
And then, I had the greatest pleasure. When the class members learned that I was going to visit Bo in Zambia, they took up a special collection so that I could go shopping with him and purchase things that he needs. So, after checking with him about what he needed, Mailes, Oscar, Bo, and I took off for a clothing store where he tried on all sorts of clothes. It was such a pleasure to buy these things for him! He has only had brand new clothes once before in his life - when the class sent an extra cash gift and Mailes bought him a new shirt and pair of pants. He has always worn clothes that were passed down to him. Well, after this trip to the store, he is sporting new clothes - and a great big smile. He was so excited, he didn't really know what to do with himself! It was obvious that his self-esteem had taken a leap. Our morning ended with lunch at a pizza place - another first for Bo. He liked it. (That's pretty universal, isn't it?)
The afternoon was spent meeting with Mailes regarding financial records, program requirements, procedures, etc.
My last full day in Zambia ended with dinner with the Ndao family around their table. Outstanding, committed people. Rich fellowship. Great time. Wonderful program. Excellent visit.
Dr. Paul Maxfield
Executive Director