Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sponsors Meet their Children in Home Visits: Another Blessing from God

February 5, 2011

This was a day full of experiences with the children.  We spent the morning visiting the homes of about nine of the sponsored children.  The homes ranged from two-room cement block houses to tiny “apartments” where all of life occurs in one room.  In each case, we were warmly welcomed. 

Dale VanHoose was able to meet seven children sponsored by members of Meadow Park Church of God in Columbus, Ohio.  He also met the child that he and his wife, Barbara, sponsor here in La Ceiba.  The boy, Angel, was so excited to meet him.  We visited the tiny house where he and his mother live.  His mother was able to get a few moments off work in order to meet Dale and the group, and as we were leaving I asked her if it was okay if Angel accompanied us on our visits to the other homes during the morning.  She agreed, and as Angel jumped and ran with excitement to his babysitter across the street to let her know, we were once again reminded of how important the sponsors are to the children.  Angel accompanied Dale and the rest of us on our home visits.  We learned that he had never seen other parts of the city before.  His eyes were big as he took it all in.  It was a great morning for Dale and Angel.

There are so many stories surrounding these children we visited in their homes.  There is Wendell, who as a small boy, had a serious heart condition that looked like it would require surgery.  But the Lord healed him, and today he is completely well.  He told me his favorite thing to do in his free time is read the Bible.  He studies hard, and, I somehow have the feeling that he knows that his life was granted an extra chance for a divine purpose. 

There’s German Mena, sponsored by Gene and Kay Cahall.  German’s father abandoned his mother, and then, his mother gave him away as an infant.  A Christian woman in the Church of God in La Ceiba, took him in and is raising him.  She is no relation to German.  She loves him as her own.  German has some serious learning difficulties and challenging behaviors due to his abandonment and early years.  It was wonderful to see his happiness over the gifts that Gene and Kay sent to him through our visit.  Who knows where German would be today if God had not intervened on his behalf.

And then there was the wonderful meeting of Klairy Martinez and her sponsors, Paul and Marcia Lund.  The family has recently moved to the outskirts of La Ceiba into an area that is developing.  They were able to secure a small plot of land, and Klairy’s father has built a small, two-room house.  He took such pride in showing us his land, his home, and his well.  The meeting between the Lunds and Klairy’s family was a wonderful time.  Klairy loved the gifts the Lunds brought, and there was immediate rapport between the two families.  Klairy gave Paul and Marcia two photos from her childhood, and the exchanges between the two families were warm and close.  As we walked the small plot, observing the cultivation of yucca and the trees and plants that the family had planted, we were impressed with this father’s goals and plans for his family.  As members of the Church of God in La Ceiba for about 12 years, Klairy’s parents are the fruit of the church’s ministry here.  It was such a joy to hear their dreams and see them coming to fruition because of their hard work, sacrifice, and ambition.  A perfect conclusion to our home visits today.  the Lunds commented on how rewarding it is to partner with a family with so little, yet with so much ambition and drive.

After lunch, we interviewed the 53 children at the church.  Again, we were impressed with their dreams.  But, we were equally concerned for some of their living situations.  Few children here live with both parents.  Abandonment by fathers is common, and several of the children are orphans being raised by church people.  The church is so important in these children’s lives.  It serves as an anchor for them.  The sponsors are also an anchor that helps keep them in school, fed well, and connected to the community of believers that continually nurture and care for them. 

Here are some highlights from the interviews.

"What's the best thing that has happened in your life?"
*When I'm with my family.
*God healed me my heart (physically).
*Coming to church.
*Playing and eating.
*My mother.
*Being sponsored.
*That people love me.
*Meeting the Lord.
*All my family member are alive.
*When the program took us to Wendy's for Christmas.
*When my father is home.

The children also shared some of their heartbreaks when we asked "What is the most difficult thing in your life?"

*When my grandmother died.
*When my mother died.
*I don't have a father.
*When I am hungry.
*When my parents fight.
*When I had to leave some friends because they were a bad influence.
*My parents are separated.
*My father left us.
*My mother has a lot of back pain.
*Two of my brothers died.
*When my father died.
*When I get to see my parents.

These children are living the full range of experience possible in life.  Joys, sorrows, high points, low points.  And you walk beside them, encouraging them, offering help, and praying for them.  Thank you, sponsors.

Our time has come to a close in Honduras.  Tomorrow we will worship at the Church of God in La Ceiba, and then begin packing for the trip home.

It has been so good to have you with us.  I hope you'll make the next trip with COP - to Tanzania and Ghana with Linda Mason next week.  Get rested up.  There will be some exciting and heart-wrenching experiences.

Dr. Paul Maxfield
Executive Director

1 comment:

  1. It's always a blessing to hear about the relationships and changed lives through the Children of Promise program. Thank you for sharing the heart-felt stories!
